Monday, July 23, 2007

Hamm's Successor has Work Cut Out for Him

BALTIMORE - Here we were, on the night after Leonard Hamm lost his job as police commissioner of Baltimore City, in the darkness outside the Chinese carry-out at Pennsylvania and Clifton, where maybe a dozen boys in their early teens gathered to kill a little time. The clock was moving toward 11:15 p.m.
At North Avenue and Eutaw that night, there were four teenage girls, and a kid who couldn’t have been older than 10 who was carrying a 2-year-old in her arms, followed by a couple of kids zipping around the corner on bicycles.
The clock moved toward 11:30.
On Fairmount Avenue on the east side 15 minutes later, there were children not yet in their teens racing up the street, oblivious to the homeless man pushing a shopping cart packed with his possessions, while two little girls strolled down the block arm in arm.
Now the clock moved toward midnight.
A slight question: Where were the parents of all these children?
more here

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